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My first visits at Munich Zoo Hellabrunn

I can't remember my first visit at Munich Zoo Hellabrunn. My mother told me that I was 9 years when I visited first time. Long after I moved to Munich I visited next time and later I started taking pictures at Munich Zoo Hellabrunn.

Small Brownbears When I started taking pictures there were small brown bears playing with each other and climbing trees. Small Brownbears
Most visitors considered these bears as big attractions - almost any time you could watch them playing. Small Brownbears Meanwhile they found a new home at other Zoos.
Small Polarbear Lars the polar bear was borne same winter as the brown bears. First he was kept separated from the other polar bears with his mother. Small Polarbear
Polarbear Polarbear

Meanwhile he is an adult polar bear living with all the other polar bears.


A good time to visit the polar bears is their daily feeding time. Polarbear
wild cat Small wild cats are as playfull as small house cats. Young wild cats from Hellabrunn find a new home in the mountain range "Spessart" in northern Bavaria. Last year a young pair of wild cats moved into the wild cat area in Hellabrunn.  
Some wild horses from Hellabrunn as well as from other zoos in Europe and the United States found a new home in Mongolia Wild Horse in a newly established area for wild horses.
Serval Since the big cats moved to their new home there are no more servals to be seen in Hellabrunn. I hope that the servals had a good time somewhere in backstage in Hellabrunn until they crossed the rainbow bridge.  

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